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- INFO-HAMS Digest Mon, 18 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1035
- Today's Topics:
- Callbook privacy?
- DX Neophyte Wants QSL Manager Info
- MCI Mail, CompuServe, packet
- NASA Audio Retransmissions
- RST's in contests
- University Amateur Radio Clubs
- Where is Sandown Park (GB) ?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 19:35:14 GMT
- From: pilchuck!ssc!tad@uunet.uu.net (Tad Cook)
- Subject: ARRL
- Message-ID: <321@ssc.UUCP>
- Despite what N8DGN said, QST has not "TOTALLY CUT all microwave coverage",
- just as they have not banned articles about CW, AMTOR. or mobile. They
- stopped carrying a COLUMN on this subject.
- Check out the 1990 ARRL Handbook. There is LOTS of microwave material,
- probably even out of proportion with current interest on the subject.
- The Handbook hardly qualifies as a "special interest publication", unless
- you consider amateur radio itself as "special interest".
- 73,
- Tad Cook
- tad@ssc.UUCP
- MCI Mail: 328-8544
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 19:38:35 GMT
- From: pilchuck!ssc!tad@uunet.uu.net (Tad Cook)
- Subject: Callbook privacy?
- Message-ID: <322@ssc.UUCP>
- Regarding G6WBG's query, the FCC files that are used for publising
- the callbook are a matter of public record. I have known hams who
- wanted a bit more privacy, so they filed a form 610 to show their
- mailing address as a P.O. Box.
- 73,
- Tad Cook
- tad@ssc.UUCP
- MCI Mail: 328-8544
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 08:43:43 GMT
- From: portal!cup.portal.com!AllanWS@uunet.uu.net (Allan BA Schlaugat)
- Subject: DX Neophyte Wants QSL Manager Info
- Message-ID: <25133@cup.portal.com>
- Yes, 100 watts can be amazing. I worked 41 W/VE's and 41 DXCC
- countries with a 100 watts and a mobile whip. One contact that
- mystified me was CT500C !!! Where the heck is that???
- My father (a Extra class) thought it might be Portugal but with
- a call like that he didn't rule out a bootlegger.
- Does anyone have ANY information on the call CT500C?? The call
- is copied correct (and I stayed on frequency for 20 minutes while)
- the operator gave the call phonetically dozens of times for each
- contact..seems I wasn't the only one that questioned the call).
- By the way, is 65,079 points for a Technician for the 10 Meter
- Contest considered good???? :-)))))
- Allan Schlaugat / allanws@cup.portal.com / Amateur Radio: N9ISN
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 19:56:27 GMT
- From: pilchuck!ssc!tad@uunet.uu.net (Tad Cook)
- Subject: MCI Mail, CompuServe, packet
- Message-ID: <324@ssc.UUCP>
- Is there anyone out there on MCI Mail or CompuServe who is ALSO on
- VHF packet, who might be interested in distributing a couple of
- bulletins on packet that they would receive via E-mail?
- tad@ssc.UUCP
- MCI Mail: 328-8544
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Dec 89 05:50:53 GMT
- From: pioneer.arc.nasa.gov!chguest@eos.arc.nasa.gov (Charles J. Guest)
- Subject: NASA Audio Retransmissions
- Message-ID: <5833@eos.UUCP>
- Found in rec.ham-radio:
- >From eos!millard Sun Dec 17 21:44:56 PST 1989
- Newsgroups: rec.ham-radio,sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
- Subject: STS-32 NASA audio and video rebroadcasts on Amateur Radio.
- Keywords: Ham Radio, Space Shuttle, ATV
- Message-ID: <5832@eos.UUCP>
- Date: 18 Dec 89 05:15:32 GMT
- Distribution: ba
- Organization: NASA Ames Research Center, California
- Lines: 36
- Xref: eos rec.ham-radio:13246 sci.space:12003 sci.space.shuttle:3934
- The Ames Amateur Radio Club
- located at
- NASA Ames Research Center
- P. O. Box 73
- Moffett Field, CA 94035
- The Ames Amateur Radio Club will carry NASA Select Audio during the flight
- of STS-32 currently scheduled to launch **NOT** earlier than 21 December.
- The Club will also uplink NASA Select video and audio to the Palo Alto
- Red Cross ATV repeater on Black Mountain.
- YOU MUST HAVE C*L*E*A*R LINE-OF SIGHT to Black Mt as well as have the
- 2.4 GHz receiver and down converter to receive this Amateur Radio TV
- repeater.
- Sponsored by AARC and members of the Red Cross Repeater group to
- promote an understanding and information on our national space
- program for interested radio amateurs.
- (Note: Information on ATV can be obtained by listening/checking in to
- the Amateur Television(ATV) Net on 2m, 145.51Mhz or on the SPECS
- Repeater on 145.25 MHz, minus thursdays at 2045 hrs local time.)
- This notice posted on behalf of the above by-
- Edgie, WA6VZZ
- ***************************************************************************
- * Intelligent people talk about ideas. | Standard disclaimer(s) *
- * Average people talk about things. | Millard J. Edgerton, WA6VZZ *
- * Small people talk about other people. | millard@eos.arc.nasa.gov *
- ***************************************************************************
- * -o- | -o- *
- * Employed by Sterling Software at NASA Ames Research Center. *
- ***************************************************************************
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- + *READ* ---> The opinions expressed above are to the best of my knowledge, +
- + however all options should be discussed with persons who have professional+
- + training with the subjects covered here. * ALL POSSIBLE DISCLAIMERS APPLY!+
- + ____FROM: chguest@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov =>or<= sun!ames!pioneer!chguest____+
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- + A new Soviet/American truism - KGB does NOT stand for Kinder Gentler Boys +
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 04:25:02 GMT
- From: hpfcso!hpldola!hp-lsd!col!bobw@hplabs.hp.com (Bob Witte)
- Subject: RST's in contests
- Message-ID: <4380066@col.hp.com>
- >Heard during the Ten Meter Contest last weekend:
- >
- >N3xxx: "KH6xxx 59 Pennsylvania."
- >KH6xxx: "You're 59 Hawaii. QSL?"
- >N3xxx: "QSL. Thanks for Hawaii! How's my signal out there?"
- >
- > :-)
- Totally consistent with:
- N3xxx: "You're 59 Pennsylvania, please repeat your call, report and state"
- So why do they require signal reports in contest exchanges?
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bob Witte HP Colorado Springs Division
- bobw@col.hp.com P.O. Box 2197
- Phone:(719) 590-3230 Colorado Springs, CO 80901
- Radio: KB0CY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Dec 89 02:10:30 GMT
- From: rochester!rit!ultb!cep4478@rutgers.edu (C.E. Piggott)
- Subject: University Amateur Radio Clubs
- Message-ID: <1780@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
- I am trying my best to compile a list of amateur radio clubs at
- colleges and universities around north america and the world. I'd
- like to start a net - maybe monthly? - to exchange ideas and to
- report about what we're all doing - Is anybody from a university
- club interested? (There are so many 'dead' clubs - well, I have
- brought R.I.T.'s back from the dead this year, after two years
- of virtual inactivity).
- I am usually on ultb.isc.rit.edu, so if you have internet, either
- talk or otalk to me and I'll surely answer.
- Chris N2JGW, President
- Rochester Institute of Technology Amateur Radio Club, K2GXT
- Rochester, New York
- cep4478@ultb.isc.rit.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 22:47:42 GMT
- From: portal!cup.portal.com!UKTONY@uunet.uu.net (Tony C Harding)
- Subject: Where is Sandown Park (GB) ?
- Message-ID: <25115@cup.portal.com>
- Sandown Park is a horse race course south wast of london
- sort of on the way from London to guilford.
- Tony
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1035
- ***************************************